Project 1: EazyFly - A Mobile App Case Study

The creation of a travel app for mobile phone devices that aims to address the common frustrations of frequent travellers.

Project 2: Digital Oyster Cards - A Mobile App Case Study

A collaborative design project that envisions a seamless commuting experience for TFL commuters. Our goal is incentivising users to switch from Contactless to Oyster Cards.

Project 3: National Security Agency - A Responsive Redesign Case Study

Transforming the government agency website in order to meet the demands of their target users. In this case study, I expand on my journey, from designing a brand new style guide and colour scheme along with a fresh re-design for the NSA website. The goal was to implement design consistency.

Project 4: SANE.org.uk - A Responsive Redesign Case Study

My redesign of the non-profit organisation SANE’s website. This NGO works with users who face challenges with mental health. I helped contribute to creating a brand new style guide, logo, user interface and designed a prototype of what the new website would look like. 

Project 5: From Concept to Code - Interactive Design Portfolio Case Study

The project goals include showcasing design and technical skills, demonstrating design thinking, and ensuring a seamless user experience through coding. This combination aims to create a strong foundation for a polished and professional portfolio that leaves a lasting impression.

Project 6: Revolutionising Sustainable Living - Biffa Recycling Mobile App Case Study

The objective of this project was to improve recycling efficiency and enhance waste management efforts. A collaborative group project involved in creating designs, researching recycling habits and obtaining feedback from other designers.