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If You’re Unhappy And Want To Improve Your Life – READ THIS

Are you really unhappy right now?

You might not like this, but happiness is a choice.

If you’re unhappy, most of the time, you’re the one creating your own unhappiness.

But the good news is, you can also create your own happiness.

Here are some tips to get you started.

Hang Out With Better People

You are the average of the 5 people you surround yourself with and that can determine the quality of your life. 

If you hang out with 5 losers, you’ll be the 6th loser.

If you hang out with 5 winners, you’ll be the 6th winner.

I’m not saying you should cut off everyone right now. (Although when you have toxic friends and family, feel free to cut them off ASAP)

I’m saying that you should pick who you surround yourself with.

You can join other groups of people aside from your current sets of friends.

Make sure the people around you are good influences, not bad ones.

Make sure your circle brings people up and helps each other win in life.

Focus On What You Control And Ignore The Rest

Sure, there are some situations that we absolutely have no control over. But you know what you do have control over? 


We have no control over about 80-90% of stuff in the world.

When it comes to external events and other people, we can’t control any of them.

We should focus on how we respond to them.

Keep Fighting Everyday

I believe that every day is a battle for everyone.

From the moment we wake up, to before we sleep, we have battles.

Most of the battles though, are us against ourselves.

Are you trying to become a better person?

Are you working on your goals?

Or are you just doing nothing and keep doing your bad habits?

Every day we’ll go through obstacles.

How we overcome these obstacles will define us as people, especially in the future.

Choosing to fight and being able to overcome these obstacles will make sure you turn into someone strong and respectable.

Perspective Is Key

Perspective is key.

Our perspective shapes our character and personality.

Unfortunately, most people have bad perspectives.

They choose to see negatively rather than positively.

They choose to settle and not go for what they truly want.

Life is too short not to go for what you want in life.

If you want to travel, make more money, submit that vacation leave request at work, and book that flight.

If you want to talk to an attractive person, just approach them and make your move.

If you want to build a business, just go start it and learn how to become a business owner while managing it.

Happiness Is A Choice

Just like what I said at the beginning.

Happiness is a choice.

Take two guys who are in the hospital.

One is unhappy that he’s in the hospital laying in bed all day, and the other is really happy that he’s still alive.

Choose to be happy today.

It may be the best choice you’ll make.

Let me know in the comments how you’ll become happier today!

Written by Baz Kannan. Edited by Kevin Pinili

Baz Kannan

Baz Kannan is a self-taught photographer, digital artist and video creator based in the UK.