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If You Feel Stuck In The Past – READ THIS

Do you feel stuck in the past?

Do you sometimes wish you could travel back in time to the past and do things differently? 

I know I sometimes do. 

But I realised something – there’s nothing you can do about your past, except to learn from it.

What we can do is learn from the past, focus on the present, and prepare for the future.

Here are some tips on how to do that right now:

Accept Your Past

One important thing you can do is to accept your past.

Acceptance is the first step to moving on.

All the stupid things you did in school, you didn’t know that they were wrong at the time, you think they were cool things to do.

That person you dated, you didn’t know at the time that they weren’t right for you. You just thought they were attractive.

If you can’t accept your past, you’ll have a hard time moving on and focusing on the present.

Cherish The People Around You

Remember to cherish those who were there for you during the tough times. 

If someone or something is there one day, they may not be there the next day and we should never take that for granted. 

This is common sense but so many people forget about this – life is short.

I’m 28 this year and I’ve lost some people who were close to me already.

You don’t want to waste too much time by yourself and not spend enough time with friends and family.

Call a loved one, hang out with them, and tell them you love them while they’re still here.

Appreciate Everything

Love and appreciate everything you have.

From the small things such as the lunch you had today, or to the big things such as your car, appreciate all of them.

Humans have a natural tendency to want more…

But you can still strive for more while appreciating what you have right now.

This will boost your happiness by a ton instantly.

Take Every Opportunity You Can 

Opportunities are both abundant and limited.

Abundant as in you have so many choices, limited as in you can’t have everything in this lifetime.

You may never know when you may not have that chance again. 

We cannot guarantee there’ll be a next time and there may not necessarily be another one so enjoy the moment while you can.⁣

If you see a concert you want to go to or a meetup you want to join, don’t hesitate to go there!

Whether it’s starting a project, travelling the world or asking that girl (or guy) out or whatever, take it! 

If you think trying is risky, wait until you get the bill for not trying. 

Stuff happens but that’s okay! We live and learn for the better. 

There are risks everywhere in life and we must be able to embrace failure/rejection and use it as an opportunity to improve ourselves.⁣

Again – Life Is Short

I can’t stress this enough – Life is short.

None of us know when our last day here on Earth is.

It may be tomorrow or it may be in a few decades…

But you won’t enjoy life if you can’t get unstuck from your past.

We only have one, so let’s take action now and make it a good one!

Do you agree? ⁣

Let me know in the comments how you’re going to take action in moving on from your past today!

Written by Baz Kannan. Edited by Kevin Pinili

Baz Kannan

Baz Kannan is a self-taught photographer, digital artist and video creator based in the UK.